
The Medivest Blog


When Medicare’s interests (past and/or future) are not considered, are you aware of the unintended consequences which may affect the parties to the settlement? The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) WCMSA Reference Guide v 4.2,  found here, provides language regarding their views and remedies. Understanding CMS’ views and consequences is a good step in helping a party navigate the often-confusing settlement process as it relates to staying compliant with the Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) statute.

Conditional Payment Recovery

Medicare has a right to seek reimbursement for the conditional payments it makes to providers where another payer may be responsible. The payment by Medicare is conditioned on Medicare taking on recovery at the appropriate time and therefore, is termed to be a “conditional payment” because it must be repaid to Medicare once the settlement occurs. However, when the conditional payments have not been repaid, Medicare may take the following actions:

Priority Right of Recovery or “Super Lien”Medicare has a Priority Right of Recovery or “Super Lien” without the need to file any notice in a court.  CMS states, “If Medicare’s interest is not considered, CMS has a priority right of recovery against any entity that received any portion of a third-party payment directly or indirectly – a right to recover or take back, that payment.”

Subrogation Rights – CMS states, “Medicare has a subrogation right to any such payment it has made.  Subrogation means the substitution of one person or entity for another. If Medicare exercises its subrogation rights, Medicare becomes a claimant against the responsible party and/or the liability insurer/medical provider to the extent that Medicare has made payments to or on behalf of the beneficiary for services related to claims against the responsible party and the responsible party’s liability insurance.  While Medicare can pursue recovery directly from the responsible party through their “pay and chase” method, utilizing subrogation is usually less common.”

Charging Interest – Additionally, Medicare may and does regularly charge interest on this type of MSP conditional payment debt when a demand has remained unpaid for 60 days. The interest rate is currently over 12%. This can be a factor in how the entities and claimants choose to address any appeals or request to waive the MSP debt. After 120 days from the debt of the demand, the MSP debt may be transferred to the Department of Treasure (DOT) for various DOT collections actions.  The most common remedies exercised when the debt is referred to the DOT is the Treasury Off-Set Program or Private Collection Action (PCA).

Referral to the Treasury DepartmentCMS states, “When the outstanding debt has moved through Medicare’s recovery process, and it is still unpaid, the debt is referred to the Treasury Offset Program (TOP) for further collection activities. The TOP may garnish the beneficiary’s Social Security benefits or seize the primary plan’s federal tax refund.”

Referral to the Department of Justice – CMS states, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) may refer the debt to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for legal action if it determines that the required payment or a properly documented defense has not been provided. The law authorizes the Federal government to collect double damages from any party that is responsible for resolving the matter, but which fails to do so.”


CMS has stated that there are no statutory or regulatory provisions requirements to submit a WCMSA amount proposal to CMS for review. As a result, there has been an increase in defendants using Non-Submit Products – MSAs (NSMSA) or Evidence-Based MSAs (EBMSA) instead of having the traditional WCMSA Arrangement prepared and submitted to CMS for review. While there are some similarities in these reports in respect that they each attempt to estimate the future Medicare covered medicals which are likely to be encountered by the injured party after settlement, there are substantial differences in the projection methodology that could open settling parties up to risks.

Non-Submit Medicare Set-Aside (NSMSA) Report – The NSMSA report meets workload review thresholds but is a report (by definition) is not submitted to CMS for review and approval.  The defendant may decide to use a non-submit MSA allocation report to speed up the settlement process and because it often projects a lower amount of money for the claimant’s future injury-related Medicare covered medicals (FIRMCM) than a traditional WCMSA written by the WCMSA Reference Guide standards.

Evidence-Based Medicare Set-Aside (EBMSA) Report – The EBMSA report is based on the injured party’s medical records and research trends. When an EBMSA report is used, the parties do not intend to submit the EBMSA to CMS for review and approval. The report’s projection would be guided by evidence-based medicine standards with the treating physician’s recommendations.  It uses established evidence-based standards of care to create a medically and legally defensible assessment of the injured party’s future medical needs.

WCMSA Arrangement – The WCMSA report follows CMS’ guidelines when preparing reports and submitting to CMS for review.  As part of CMS’ guidelines, they required the report to use average wholesale prices (AWP) to price Medicare Part D drugs, confirm jurisdiction to apply correct fee schedules for treatments, and to use ICD-10 mandatory diagnosis and procedure codes. When reviewing the WCMSA, CMS assesses whether the proposed amount of funds set aside for future medical expenses aligns with Medicare’s standard of care protocols, essentially checking if the proposed treatment plan and cost are considered reasonable and appropriate based on Medicare guidelines for similar conditions.

CMS’ Views – Traditional WCMSAs Arrangements

Below are some of CMS’ views found in section 3.0 of the WCMSA Reference Guide:

  • “Medicare may also refuse to pay for future medical expenses related to the WC injury until the entire settlement is exhausted.”
  • “The WCMSA amount review process is the only process that offers both Medicare beneficiaries and Workers’ Compensation entities a finality, with respect to obligation for medical care required after a settlement, judgement, award, or other payment occurs.”
  • “Once the CMS-approved set-aside amount is exhausted and accurately accounted for to CMS, Medicare will pay primary for future Medicare-covered expenses related to the WC injury that exceed the approved set-aside amount.”

Changes to WCMSA Ref Guide -Section 4.3 – Non-Submit MSA Products

The Medivest blog written on February 3, 2022, titled The Further Review of Section 4.3 of the New WCMSA Reference Guide found here, which outlines the consequences when using the Non-Submit MSA’s products. Below are some of the primary takeaways from that blog:

  • The party with the most to lose is the beneficiary. The primary consequence referenced in 4.3 is denial of payment for the beneficiary’s injury-related care in the event of MSA exhaustion. CMS says it will continue to deny payment until the entire net settlement has been fully spent down (not the total MSA amount). This could occur in events of permanent exhaustion or during temporary exhaustion periods, when the beneficiary’s MSA is exhausted until the next funding payment is received. Keep in mind that this doesn’t apply to MSAs that do not meet the review threshold. Also, there is an appeal process for denial of payment. But the greatest risk-bearer is the applicant.
  • Since MSA exhaustion represents the greatest risk to the applicant, a program of proper funds administration is preferable. A burden shift to Medicare can only occur once Medicare becomes the primary payer. An MSA that remains solvent will maintain Medicare’s payment position as secondary indefinitely. While it is impossible to foresee every expense that an MSA may incur over an applicant’s lifetime, a properly funded MSA in the hands of a competent administrator is the best protection of the interests of both Medicare and the applicant.
  • Thoughtful consideration should be given to the adequacy of an evidence-based or non-submit program. It is entirely possible to produce a fully adequate and reasonable MSA without CMS’s review and approval. However, not all products are created equally. It’s important to be confident that the methodology in use produces MSAs that consider Medicare’s interests sufficiently.

Mismanagement of WCMSA Accounts

An injured party may choose to self-administer their WCMSA funds or have it professionally administered. However, in either case when the funds have not been properly managed and have been misspent, the consequences could be:

  • If the WCMSA account is not set up, the beneficiary’s Medicare eligibility could be in jeopardy at least to the extent of the injury related FIRMCM claims.
  • Funds may need to be added to the WCMSA before Medicare pays for FIRMCM.
  • Medicare can deny payment of future injury-related medicals if the WCMSA funds are not properly used or exhausted.
  • If the carrier fails to report ORM and/or TPOC/Settlements timely, the carrier may be fined for Civil Monetary Penalties starting in April of 2025 as described in a previous blog. If attestations are not timely delivered to CMS for WCMSA’s, Medicare may deny injury-related treatment until reporting is corrected.


Need for Professional Administration

The mismanagement of funds can negatively affect the beneficiary’s Medicare benefits and delay treatment. That’s why hiring a Professional Administrator can help remove the burden from the injured party/beneficiaries from paying claims, managing funds, and providing attestation report to CMS. Keep in mind CMS states, “Although beneficiaries may act as their own administrators, it is highly recommended that settlement recipients consider the use of a professional administrator for their funds.”

How to Avoid Medicare’s Consequences

  • Call Medivest 877.725.2467 to speak with one of our case consultants who will help you navigate a plan that evaluates Medicare’s past and future interests in a settlement or hopeful settlement.
  • Medivest investigates and assists with the resolution of Medicare’s conditional payments in WC claims on behalf of an employer/carrier/TPA and can act as the eyes of the claimant to make sure that the carrier is paying its share of accepted injury related conditional payments.
  • Medivest investigates and assists with the resolution of Medicare’s conditional payments, or those of Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C), Prescription Drug Plans (Part D), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), TRICARE, ERISA, and privately administered insurance plans for liability cases when referred to by the plaintiff’s attorney.
  • Medivest prepares WCMSA, LMSA and Medical Cost Projection (MCP) reports
  • Medivest submits WCMSA allocation reports to CMS for review when allowed and desired.
  • Medivest professionally administers MSA Funds for WC and Liability MSAs.  Hire Medivest for Professional Administration to manage the MSA funds.

About Medivest

Founded in 1996, Medivest is a national Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) compliance company and provider of settlement solutions. Our focus is assisting anyone settling a workers’ compensation or personal injury claim to understand their obligation to consider Medicare’s interests under federal law. Medivest provides pre- and post-settlement solutions that help mitigate exposure from that obligation. Contact us today at 877-725-2467 or at


It is getting close to that time of year when mailboxes begin to receive W-2 statements and 1099-INT statements. If an injured individual has either a Self-Administered Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) account or a Professionally-Administered MSA account, the individual will be sent a 1099-INT by January 31st and a copy will be filed with the IRS. The 1099-INT shows interest earned in the account during the previous tax year.
Liability and Workers Compensations cases should follow the Workers Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) Reference Guide, until CMS publishes a Liability Medicare Set-Aside (LMSA) Reference Guide. Until that time arrives, the WCMSA Reference Guide should be considered a single point of reference for both Liability and Workers Compensation cases. To download the WCMSA Reference Guide Version 4.1, dated August 1, 2024, click here.


What the WCMSA Reference Guide states:

  • MSA funds must be placed in an interest-bearing account that is separate from the individual’s personal savings and checking accounts.
  • The interest must be deposited into the MSA account to be used for MSA-covered expenses.
  • You can use the MSA account to pay for the income tax on the interest income.
For further clarification regarding how the individual can pay for the taxes from the interest incomed earned in their account, refer to the CMS Memo Dated July 11, 2005, Subject:  Medicare Secondary Payer (MPS) – Workers’ Compensation (WC) Additional Frequency Asked Questions.
“Q6. Treatment of Taxable Interest Income Earned on a WCMSA – If I receive a Form 1099-INT for the interest income earned on my WCMSA account, may I charge the income tax on that amount against the WCMSA?
A6. Assuming that there is adequate documentation for the amount of incremental tax that the claimant must pay for the interest earned on this set-aside account, the claimant or his/her administrator may withdraw an amount equal to the additional tax as a “cost that is directly related to the account” to cover the additional tax liability. Such documentation should be submitted along with the annual accounting.”


How Medivest Handles the 1099-INT:

Medivest will advise the Member to prepare their tax return two ways to determine the increased income tax burden, if any:
  1. Include the MSA interest income in the income tax return
  2. Exclude the MSA interest income in the income tax return
In other words, if the Member must pay the IRS an increased income tax amount as a result of the interest earned from their MSA account, the additional income tax burden can be paid from the MSA account. This is considered a cost associated with having the MSA account and CMS allows this expense to be paid from the MSA account. Once a year, Medivest will send CMS an attestation for every applicable professionally-administered MSA account. Any MSA reimbursement of the additional income tax burden will be included in this attestation.


Answers to Common Questions

Question 1.  If I am taxed on the earned interest, why can’t I have it?
Answer 1.  CMS’ guidelines state that Medicare Set-Aside funds place must be placed into an interest-bearing account and are to be used for covered medical expenses.
Question 2.  Why do I have to report the earned interest to the IRS?
Answer 2.   Per IRS guidelines, all interest income is taxable, unless specifically excluded.
Question 3.  Isn’t my injury settlement tax-exempt?
Answer 3.  Any compensation you receive from a settlement because of physical injuries or sickness is not taxable. However, the interest earned after the settlement occurs is taxable.


Best Practices

Medivest’s highly trained representatives can help you figure out if Medicare may have an interest in your settlement. We assist all settling parties to navigate the MSP complexities and provide you with cost-saving strategies for your settlement. For questions about your account or setting up a new professional administration account please contact us here.



On January 6, 2025, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) updated the MMSEA Section 111 NGHP User Guide to version 7.9. The newer version has been posted to the NGHP User Guide page, found here. The NGHP User Guide to version 7.9 replaces Version 7.8 which was released on December 6, 2024.

MMSEA III – January 6, 2025 – NGHP User Guide version 7.9 Downloads

Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview

The updates listed below have been made to the Introduction and Overview Chapter Version 7.9 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. There are no changes for this version.

Chapter II: Registration Procedures

The update listed below has been made to the Registration Procedures Chapter Version 7.9 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. There are no changes for this version.

Chapter III: Policy Guidance

The updates listed below have been made to the Policy Guidance Chapter Version 7.9 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. As of January 1, 2025, the threshold for physical trauma-based liability insurance settlements will remain at $750. CMS will maintain the $750 threshold for no-fault insurance and workers’ compensation settlements, where the no-fault insurer or workers’ compensation entity does not otherwise have ongoing responsibility for medicals (Section 6.4).

Chapter IV: Technical Information

The updates listed below have been made to the Technical Information Chapter Version 7.9 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide, as necessary. As of January 1, 2025, the threshold for physical trauma-based liability insurance settlements will remain at $750. CMS will maintain the $750 threshold for no-fault insurance and workers’ compensation settlements, where the no-fault insurer or workers’ compensation entity does not otherwise have ongoing responsibility for medicals (Section 6.4).

Chapter V: Appendices

The updates listed below have been made to the Appendices Chapter Version 7.9 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. There are no changes for this version.

270/271 Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response Companion Guide for Mandatory Reporting Non-GHP Entities Version 6.0

The email address for contacting an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Representative has changed to However, COBVA emails coming from CMS now show the address as (Customer Support).

For Additional Information

Medivest will continue to monitor changes occurring at CMS and will keep its readers up to date when such changes are announced. For questions, feel free to reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us direct at 877.725.2467.



The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) presentation originally held on October 17, 2024, regarding Medicare Secondary Payer and Certain Civil Money Penalties for Non-Group Health Plan has been updated to include Q&A from the webinar. The updated presentation can be found here. The updated presentation is also available in the Download section of the Mandatory Insurer Reporting for Non-Group Health Plans What’s New page on

Medivest will continue to monitor news and updates from CMS and will keep its readers up to date when important announcements are made. For questions regarding the information presented in this webinar or any other recent CMS updates, please reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us direct at 877.725.2467. 



On December 6, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) updated the MMSEA Section 111 NGHP User Guide to version 7.8. It has been posted to the NGHP User Guide page, found here. The NGHP User Guide to version 7.8 replaces Version 7.7 which was released on October 7, 2024.

MMSEA III – December 6, 2024 – NGHP User Guide Downloads 7.8

Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview

The updates listed below have been made to the Introduction and Overview Chapter Version 7.8 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. There are no changes for this version.

Chapter II: Registration Procedures

The update listed below has been made to the Registration Procedures Chapter Version 7.8 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. There are no changes for this version.

Chapter III: Policy Guidance

The updates listed below have been made to the Policy Guidance Chapter Version 7.8 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. A new section has been added that discusses Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Arrangements (WCMSAs), within the workers’ compensation TPOCs section (Section 6.4.4).

Chapter IV: Technical Information

The updates listed below have been made to the Technical Information Chapter Version 7.8 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide, as necessary. A new section has been added that discusses Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Arrangements (WCMSAs), within the workers’ compensation TPOCs section (Section

Chapter V: Appendices

The updates listed below have been made to the Appendices Chapter Version 7.8 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. There are no changes for this version.

270/271 Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response Companion Guide for Mandatory Reporting Non-GHP Entities Version 6.0

The email address for contacting an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Representative has changed to However, COBVA emails coming from CMS now show the address as (Customer Support).


For Additional Information

Medivest will continue to monitor changes occurring at CMS and will keep its readers up to date when such changes are announced. For questions, feel free to reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us direct at 877.725.2467.



On October 7, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) updated the MMSEA Section 111 NGHP User Guide to version 7.7. It has been posted to the NGHP User Guide page, found here. The NGHP User Guide to version 7.7 replaces Version 7.6 which was released on July 2, 2024.

MMSEA III – October 7, 2024 – NGHP User Guide Downloads 7.7

Updates: The updates listed below have been made to the Introduction and Overview Chapter Version 7.7 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. The table describing system-generated emails has been updated to include information for the RRE ID Notification email that is sent once a user completes the initial registration function and the Successful Registration PIN email that is sent once vetting is successful on the Section 111 COB Secure Website (COBSW) (Table 7-1).

Updates: The update listed below has been made to the Registration Procedures Chapter Version 7.7 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. The table describing system-generated emails has been updated to include information for the RRE ID Notification email that is sent once a user completes the initial registration function and the Successful Registration PIN email that is sent once vetting is successful on the Section 111 COB Secure Website (COBSW) (Table 6-4).

Updates: The updates listed below have been made to the Policy Guidance Chapter Version 7.7 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. For clarification, a note has been added to indicate that settlements, judgments, awards, or other payments obtained entirely under the wrongful death theory of liability, which do not claim and release medicals, or have the effect of releasing medicals, are not required to be reported (Section

Updates: The updates listed below have been made to the Technical Information Chapter Version 7.7 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide, as necessary. For NGHP claim files, a new “04” warning flag will be applied to claim response files with open ORM records when the later date of either the CMS Date of Incident on the claim record or the Part A Add Date is greater than 135 calendar days from the Start Date of the RRE’s submission period. Additionally, compliance flag fields have been renamed warning flag (Sections 6.1 and 6.9.1 and Chapter 7). The table describing system-generated emails has been updated to include information for the RRE ID Notification email that is sent once a user completes the initial registration function and the Successful Registration PIN email that is sent once vetting is successful on the Section 111 COB Secure Website (COBSW) (Table 12-1). The description of Response File disposition code 03 has been clarified (7.1).

Updates: The updates listed below have been made to the Appendices Chapter Version 7.7 of the NGHP User Guide. As indicated on prior Section 111 NGHP Town Hall teleconferences, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continue to review reporting requirements and will post any applicable updates in the form of revisions to Alerts and the user guide as necessary. For NGHP claim files, a new “04” warning flag will be applied to claim response files with open ORM records when the later date of either the CMS Date of Incident on the claim record or the Part A Add Date is greater than 135 calendar days from the Start Date of the RRE’s submission period. Additionally, compliance flag fields have been renamed warning flag (Appendix C and Appendix G). The description of Response File disposition code 03 has been clarified (Appendix G).

Changes for This Release: The email address for contacting an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Representative has changed to However, COBVA emails coming from CMS now show the address as (Customer Support).

For Additional Information

Medivest will continue to monitor changes occurring at CMS and will keep its readers up to date when such changes are announced. For questions, feel free to reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us direct at 877.725.2467.



On September 23, 2024, CMS released new announcements regarding Civil Money Penalties. This follows other recent updates and webinars from CMS that have placed additional emphasis on reporting settlement details, and an even greater preference for claimants to use professional MSA administration.

A New NGHP Webpage for Civil Money Penalties

A new webpage for NGHP Civil Money Penalties (CMP) for Section 111 Reporting is now available. Click here to view it. The new webpage is a tool for Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) to comply with Section 111 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCIP Extension Act. The RREs are required to report to CMS regarding the Medicare beneficiaries including information about liability insurance (including self-insurance), no-fault insurance, and workers’ compensation claims where the injured party is a Medicare beneficiary.  The new page offers details on the CMP Final Rule, a CMP Workflow Chart, and more.

Expanding Reporting Requirements

The increased MSA mandatory reporting requirements fields enhance oversight and ensure proper coordination of benefits. Historically, CMS has had limited or incomplete information on MSAs which is why CMS has expanded the existing S111 mandatory reporting requirements. The expanded data fields will capture information on all WC claims involving Medicare beneficiaries who received a settlement.

Beginning April 4th, 2025, all workers’ compensation settlements involving Medicare beneficiaries that include a MSA of $750 or more, must be reported to CMS, even if the settlement was previously reported voluntarily or did not previously meet the CMS review threshold for MSA submission, which remains at $25,000. For further details regarding reporting requirements, please refer to the NGHP User Guide.

A Reminder of the Expanded Data Reporting Fields

    • MSA Amount
    • MSA Period (# of Years)
    • Funding Type (Lump Sum or Annuity)
    • If Structured
    • Initial Deposit Amount
    • Anniversary (Annual Deposit Amount)
    • Case Control Number
    • Professional Administrator EIN


What Does All of This Mean?

CMS wants to be made aware of settlement details. The new NGHP CMP webpage is the most recent example that CMS is focused on S111 reporting, non-compliance, review of records for auditing to identify non-compliance, penalty amounts of non-compliance, and the process of how non-compliance decisions will be handed down.

On September 12, 2024, CMS presented a webinar (click here to view presentation) on Section 111 NGHP Mandatory Reporting for Liability Insurance (including Self-Insurance), No-Fault Insurance and Workers’ Compensation. Additionally, a second webinar has been announced for another Medicare Secondary Payer & Civil Money Penalties webinar, scheduled for October 17, 2024, to provide a stage for any last-minute inquiries. CMS is taking every opportunity to promote its push for emphasis on receiving accurate and timely settlement information from RREs.

With the new expanded data requirements, very little will change in the way cases are handled by a professional administrator. On the other hand, claimants choosing to self-administer their MSA may find themselves exposed to greater risk of jeopardizing their Medicare benefits.

Reminder: Claimants who self-administer their MSA funds have hefty obligations so they do not jeopardize their Medicare benefits. These obligations include:

      • MSA funds held in an interest-bearing account
      • MSA funds may only be used for Medicare-covered and injury related expenses
      • Keep accurate record of expenses paid out of the MSA account
      • Coordination of health insurance benefits
      • Annual attestation reporting submitted to Medicare


Why Choose Medivest Asure for Professional Administration

With the additional responsibility and penalties looming overhead, doesn’t it make sense to work with an experienced Professional Administrator? Medivest was the first to professionally administer a MSA Account, and has been providing this service since 1998 – longer than any other company. Asure members have their MSA accounts managed by the Medivest team who will:

      • Ensure funds are spent down according to the allowable guidelines
      • Communicate with doctors, pharmacists, and DME suppliers for proper billing
      • Negotiate fees for medical services and future surgeries
      • Coordinate benefits with other health insurance plans including Medicare
      • Prepare required annual compliance documents for Medicare
      • Work with the medical providers and pharmacies of your choice
      • Protect Medicare entitlement by ensuring compliance with Medicare regulations

To download a Medivest Asure flyer, click here.

For Additional Information

Medivest will continue to monitor changes occurring at CMS and will keep its readers up to date when such changes are announced. For questions, feel free to reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us at 855.931.3003.



The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a revised Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Arrangement (WCMSA) Reference Guide (“Reference Guide”) Version 4.1 on August 1, 2024. This Reference Guide replaces Version 4.0 which was released on April 1, 2024. There are a few notable changes when comparing the two Reference Guides.   

Changes in Version 4.1 of this Guide Include the Following Changes

  • By CMS’ request, the guide has been updated with details about WCMSA coordination with other health insurers (Section 4.1.3).

To download the new WCMSA Reference Guide v4.1 click here.  

This guide reflects information compiled from all WCMSA Regional Office (RO) Memoranda issued by CMS, from information provided on the CMS website, from information provided by the Workers Compensation Review Contractor (WCRC), and from the CMS WCMSA Operating Rules. The intent of this reference guide is to consolidate and supplant all historical memoranda in a single point of reference. Please discontinue the reference of prior documents.

For Additional Information

Medivest will continue to monitor changes occurring at CMS and will keep its readers up to date when such changes are announced. For questions, feel free to reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us direct at 877.725.2467.



The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the Self-Administration Toolkit for WCMSAs version 1.6 on August 1, 2024. The Toolkit replaces Version 1.5 which was released on May 15th.

To download the new Self-Administration Toolkit for WCMSA Version 1.6 click here.

Self-Administration with Additional Help

For injured parties who are considering self-administration, but who also want additional consultation on the process, Medivest provides a Self-Administration Kit. With purchase of the Medivest Medicare Set-Aside Self-Administration Kit, the injured person will receive a one-hour consultation on the proper administration of a Medicare Set-Aside account, covering topics including:

  • Where to deposit and hold Medicare Set-aside funds
  • Which expenses are allowed to be paid from a Medicare Set-Aside account
  • What rates must be used to negotiate and pay for expenses
  • How to annually report the Medicare Set-aside to the CMS
  • What to do if the MSA funds exhaust temporarily or permanently
  • How to discuss a Medicare set-aside with a medical provider
  • What are the tax implications of interest earned on Medicare Set-Aside funds


For Additional Information

Medivest will continue to monitor changes occurring at CMS and will keep its readers up to date when such changes are announced. For questions about self-administration, professional administration or anything else regarding rules and recommendations from CMS, feel free to reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us direct at 877.725.2467.



On July 19, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) created a new reference guide which will be referred to as, Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Beneficiary Reference Guide version 1.1.

The update provides details on the process of recovering conditional payments from the Medicare beneficiary, which typically involve the following steps:

  1. Reporting the case to the BCRC
  2. BCRC issues a Rights and Responsibilities letter
  3. BCRC identifies Medicare’s interim recovery amount and issues the CPL
  4. BCRC issues a Conditional Payment Notification (CPN)
  5. Dispute Process
  6. BCRC issues a recovery demand letter
  7. Assessment of Interest and Failure to Respond
  8. Referral of debt to the Department of Treasury


For further details on the steps of recovering conditional payments, visit CMS’ website here. To download the Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Beneficiary Reference Guide Version 1.1 by clicking here.


This guide is intended to provide Medicare beneficiaries with a reference manual to help them navigate the Medicare conditional payment recovery process. It is in no way intended as an exhaustive, step-by-step guide, nor is it intended to replace, supersede, or otherwise contradict any existing policy or procedural guidance. If anything in this manual appears to create ambiguity or to alter an existing process or obligation in any way, we recommend that the reader seek further guidance.

For Additional Information

Medivest will continue to monitor changes occurring at CMS and will keep its readers up to date when such changes are announced. For questions, feel free to reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us direct at 877.725.2467.




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