Updates to the MSPRP User Guide – Version 6.0

CMS updated the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP) User Guide on January 8, 2024 to version 6.0, which outlines updated functionality and improvements to the Portal. The User Guide can be found here.
Changes of Note
Chapter 1 contains a summary of updates / changes, many of which are administrative in nature.
One change of a substantive nature is that the definition of a disputed claim has been updated (Table 15-13).
Language on the Case Creation Continued page for self-reporting a case that is non-trauma based has been updated and clarified (Table 13-3).
Also, to reduce the number of cases submitted in error, beneficiaries, insurers, and authorized representatives now have the ability to close and permanently remove a case from their account that was reported via the MSPRP in error (Sections 12.1.3 and 12.2.4).
Probably most importantly, MSPRP users can now submit any type of correspondence for BCRC or CRC cases via the MSPRP portal. A generic Submit Case Documentation action has been added to the Case Information page, along with subsequent pages used to upload and submit documents. This is extremely helpful because in the past only certain types of documents could be uploaded on the portal and otherwise, had to be faxed or mailed in with the added time and hassle of having to confirm receipt at a later date. Now, all types of documents may be uploaded. This will save time and will help simplify the process for any case and especially those more complex cases that have multiple defendant and/or UIM payers.
Lastly, the Letter Activity tab has been renamed Correspondence Activity and references to these screens and sections have been updated throughout the application (Section
For Additional Information
Count on Medivest to help keep you up to date with the constant updates, guidance, and rule changes related to CMS’s enforcement of the MSP on a regular basis. For questions, feel free to reach out to the Medivest representative in your area by clicking here or call us direct at 877.725.2467.